
Back-to-School Supplies For Local Students In Need

Sponsored by: Love INC and Canton Partner Churches

One of the first outreach programs that Love INC of Greater Canton and our partner churches established was the Adopt-A-Student Program. In cooperation with the local churches, a church member is asked to adopt a child to provide school supplies and a backpack for a local student in need. Love INC’s Clothing Closet also provides a $15 clothing voucher to each student.

Adopt-A-Student Winter Clothing

The Adopt-A-Student program also provides the students an opportunity to shop for winter coats, hats, boots and gloves with a winter coat voucher in the Fall.

Every year Love INC identifies parents who struggle to provide school supplies for their children.

Since 2008 the Adopt-A-Student Program has continued to help these families provide a positive start to each school year. Thank you, Canton churches for your generous donations.